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blow (2017)

When I breathe in, my lungs select the oxygen and throw the rest away. When I breathe in, I change the air.

The oxygen travels through me, and goes into every single one of my cells, from the skin to the bones.

When I breathe out, I expel all the oxygen I breathed in. I keep none of it. But it has been changed. It has become a composite; it is now linked with (C and H) the leftovers of my feeding. With what remains after I broke, destroyed, tore apart, and took what I needed from what I ate. The remains, I breathe out. When I breathe out, I change the air.

When I breathe out, I turn into air what was once a body.

My body transforms other bodies into air. (Alive bodies turn dead bodies into air)

Air keeps us alive because it allows us to destroy. And destruction is what keeps us alive.

What if I could save all my breaths? Would I have saved my history?



Performance at Zaratan, Lisbon (May 2017)

Photos by Valentina Parravicini and Ana Corrêa

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